想用英文回覆e-mail (請幫手) (urgent)

2007-06-01 8:44 am
今日我加班,我上司send 咗封e-mail 比我,attach 咗一個excel file,係overtime form。
佢e-mail 入面同我講,叫我以後用呢張form 填ot,之後月頭俾佢approved。收到這類型的e-mail,應該點覆??回應佢咩內容好?? 咁我應該點樣用英文e-mail 回覆佢好?? 請指教。

回答 (4)

2007-06-01 9:16 am
✔ 最佳答案
when you receive the mail from your boss, you only send a message to let him/her know that you got the mail. Thus, the reply mail only write that "notes and thanks! I have saved the file to my computer "

After completing the file, your mail should write that "I have followed your instruction to fill-in the form. If you have a time, pls read it. Thanks"
2007-06-02 2:31 am
Thanks for your email .
Without your instructions, everything goes wrong !
Best regards
2007-06-01 7:37 pm
其實唔使咁長氣, 簡簡單單如下就可以啦.

Dear XXX,

Well noted.

Thanks & best regards,

參考: 我每日都會同香港及美國boss通email, 有時我send嘢俾佢哋, 有時佢哋send嘢俾我, 大家都係咁樣答覆, 絶對啱的.
2007-06-01 10:20 am
Thank you for your e-mail and the attached overtime form.

Will complete the form and send for your approval at the beginning of the month as instructed.


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