Why don't marriage licenses expire?

2007-05-31 10:47 pm
Every license we purchase expires why not marriage? Then we would have the option to renew or not. If posessions and children are invoved you could always sue and let Judge Judy deceide. Why do you think they don't?

回答 (29)

2007-05-31 10:55 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Thats a great question , i actually never thought about. I bet alot of people wouldn't bother renewing it if it did expire :)
2016-05-18 11:37 am
2007-05-31 11:07 pm
They DO expire. They expire as soon as they are signed, witnessed and their information is recorded. Then they are nothing but a useless piece of paper & their image is merely a historical record. After all, you can't use the same one over & over again, can you?

What you are really asking is why marriage can't be temporary. That's a good question & the answer is that in most countries it is -- you just have to take certain steps to terminate it & possible have a court untangle the legal & economic ties.
2007-05-31 10:55 pm
Because of the catholic religion having so much power over the government.

Pagan religions have something called a handfasting betrothal where you get married for a year and a day then if it works out you get it renewed, if it doesn't you go your separate ways. That makes more sense to me, but the pagan religions didn't win that war...
2007-05-31 10:55 pm
psh haha! Marriage is a commitment! people inlove make this decision because they want to be together FOR LIFE! that is why the license is FOR LIFE! driver license, nursing licenses etc.. expire because you might change your expertise and you have to renew it so businesses and other things like that know your a good candidate and they know you kno ur sh*t. MARRIAGE IS FOR LIFE BECAUSE AT THAT MOMENT PLACE AND TIME, TWO PEOPLE ARE WILLING TO COMMIT FOR LIFE!
2007-05-31 10:54 pm
marriage is historically considered, in both a legal and thological sense, to be a lifetime coupling of a man and a woman. The reasons for marriage are many- love, tax breaks, family stability, the "two paychecks are better than one" idea- etc. The bottom line is, historically speaking, it's a lifetime commitment- or, at least it is supposed to be. Hence the reason a marriage liscence does not expire. It's ideally supposed to be for life. There are a myriad of religious, social, and economic factors that contribute to this social ethos, of which I could dissertate a thesis on- but I won't. That's the short of it.
參考: Sociology major
2007-05-31 10:53 pm
Because with kids involved, it takes more analyzing to see what is in the best interest of the children. However, divorce can be quicker if the two people are willing to reach an agreement and sign off on it. Its called an uncontested divorce. You just do the paperwork and pay the money.
2007-05-31 10:53 pm
Let me it in several ways:

(1) Would you like to marry the same person over and over?
(2) Would you like to pay additional fees again and again so you can marry the same person over and over?
(3) Would you like to lose the marriage because your marriage license expires?
2007-05-31 10:51 pm
You know that we would have more divorces! Could you imagine some people having to PAY to stay married by renewing a license? Something that involves going and standing in line all day a la the DMV? LOL!!
2007-05-31 10:50 pm
Lolz. That's a great idea. But I can imagine you trying for the license and you ask how long before it expires. You will never hear the end of it. But I gotta give credit...one of the best questions I seen so far and funniest.

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