Do you agree with Jimmy Carter's statements about the bush administration?

2007-05-31 7:49 pm
Give a good reason why or why not

回答 (36)

2007-05-31 7:52 pm
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Jimmy Carter is a loser, he destroyed the American economy and by the grace of God Ronald Reagan was elected to clean up his horrible mess
2007-05-31 7:55 pm
Having lived through the Carter administration I can tell you this is the pot calling the kettle black. I would think anyone listed on the worst list would have to come in after him.
2007-05-31 8:01 pm
No. Jimmy Carter didn't make sense when he was younger and unfortunately, as he has aged, his remarks have become increasingly ridiculous.
2007-05-31 8:04 pm
Carter was a disaster as a president and is proving to be a nightmare as a former president. As bad as he was, just try to find anything said about him or his presidency in the negative by the presidents who preceeded him. Traditionally, presidents stay out of subsequent presidents' hair. Only Carter and Clinton have ever crossed that line.

So to answer your question, I will not address any criticism he makes of any other president because he should not even be making such statements. The fact that he was forced to recant them is enough.

2007-05-31 8:01 pm
no. Jimmy Carter should enjoy his alzheimers in relaitve anomynity and not bother the rest ofhte world with it. how can the bush administration be the worst EVER? i mean, what abour Hoover's? Ulysses S. Grant? Andrew Jackson? i mean, remember your history lessons, people!
2007-05-31 8:00 pm
commie carter? the putz that said mugabe was a humanitarian? the yutz who said chavez won in venezuella despite wide spread corruption and shooting deaths of protesters? the moron that allowed iran to be overrun by religious whack jobs that ushered in the age of jihad over the last 30 years? oh yeah i rely on his comments for the truth! good ole commie carter!!!
2007-05-31 7:59 pm
No matter what anyone thinks of the current President, he is the President and he deserves respect. I cannot imagine what his job is like, but we can be sure that he is working hard to do what he believes is right. Jimmy Carter went through the same things - more critics than allies - more bad mouthing than handshakes.

I honestly don't think that all of this bashing of President Bush is helping at all. Former President Carter should know that.

It doesn't matter if we are happy with the Iraq situation or not. We have made a mess there and it would be downright wrong of our government to simply leave Iraq without helping it puts itself back together. I hate this war, but the people of Iraq cannot be abandon by us now - not after all that has happened.

LIke GW Bush and his admin. or not, he is in office because we all put him there. If you didn't vote, you voted to keep things the same.

Not sure if that answered the question, but it felt good.
2007-05-31 7:58 pm
I've lived through some ugly presidencial moments. I've read about worse ones, like Carter's own administration. I think we're too close to the situation to truly make calls on whether Bush was a good or bad president. Lincoln was considered a horrible and indecisive president during the Civil War. Cartoons of the time called him a caesarist and a tyrant. He had the army fire on civilians in Manhattan. He suspended habeus corpus for 4 years and had his political oponents in the North tried for treason. Southern officials were simply thrown in jail and never heard from again. He's often considered among the best presidents now.
2007-05-31 7:57 pm
One would have to assume that while Jimmy Carter was in office, he considered his policy decision to be good ones. And yet, they were dismal failures at every step. He simply doesn't have the credibility to be passing judgement on what is or isn't a good presidency.
2016-12-30 10:23 pm
i will agree that that is been between the worst and that is unclear that we are going to regain the worldwide's self belief any time quickly. i do no longer think of "doomed" is a desirable suited description yet we can be taking a decrease back step with regard to evolving cultures. do no longer neglect India and Russia as India has the be sure, integrity, and knowledgeable inhabitants while Russia has the organic aspects. Our very own aspects used up with the help of company usa years in the past and our academic equipment in shambles.
2007-05-31 7:57 pm
Well, let's just examine what Carter said:

"First of all, I thought it was a horrible mistake to abandon Afghanistan and the war against al Qaeda and the effort to capture Osama bin Laden. And left that half undone and go into Iraq, which was an unjustified war," Carter said.

"Since then, of course, terrorism has increased in the world," Carter continued. "And that was the main reason I was against the war in Iraq."

Does anyone deny that it was a huge mistake to practically abandon the search for bin Laden in order to wage a war on Iraq, which didn't have anything to do with 9/11 and posed no threat to the US?

Jimmy Carter's comments are dead-on. The only reason he's been criticized for his criticisms is because there's some Fight Club kind of rule that ex-Presidents don't talk smack about sitting presidents, but that's a stupid rule. Well said, President Carter.

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