what time 和 when 有何分別?何時選用那一個?

2007-06-01 7:34 am
Q1.What time do you go to bed?
Q2.When do you go to bed?

回答 (4)

2007-06-01 7:55 am
✔ 最佳答案

what time 就係一定要人地答到個實際時間

A: What time will you leave?
B: I'll be leaving at 5pm

A: When will you leave?
B: I'll be leaving soon.
或者 I'll be leaving after I finish all my work.

如果問人宜家幾點,唔可以講when is it now? 要講what time is it now?
(不過其實多數講 what's the time now)

what time do you go to bed?
Ans: I usually go to bed at 11. (okay)
Ans: I usually go to bed after watching the late news. (雖然grammer冇錯,但係唔可以咁答)

when do you go to bed?
Ans: I usually go to bed at 11. (okay)
Ans: I usually go to bed after watching the late news. (okay too)
參考: myself, I live in US
2007-06-01 8:31 am
what time 是指何時 , 指定某時 , 問對方實際時間
when 意指是在什麼時候 , (情境) e.g. after lunch , at night, after have a bath.....
2007-06-01 7:49 am
what time係什麼時候when係當。
2007-06-01 7:46 am
Q1係  你幾時訓覺?
Q2係 你咩時候訓覺?


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