形容人的性格 vocab

2007-06-01 7:16 am
要好多好多形容人的性格的 vocab

注:這不是功課.. 只想多學一點vocab 第一位人兄...請勿亂講....= =""

回答 (1)

2007-06-06 9:25 am
✔ 最佳答案
confident --- 自信
cunning --- 狡猾
cold --- 冷酷
demure --- 嫻靜端莊
determined --- 堅決
fervent --- 熱情
affable --- 和藹
affected --- 矯揉造作
aggressive --- 盛氣凌人
argumentative --- 好爭辯
arrogant --- 傲慢
authoritative --- 權威
boastful --- 誇大
bold --- 大胆
careless --- 不小心
cheerful --- 開朗
complacent --- 自滿
conceited --- 自負
considerate --- 體貼
convincing --- 令人信服
cultured --- 有修養
decorous --- 高雅
dogmatic --- 武斷
domineering --- 霸道
eccentric --- 怪癖
excitable --- 易激動
glib --- 油腔滑調
grumpy --- 脾氣壞
hesitant --- 遲疑不決
hysterical --- 歇斯底里
immature --- 不成熟
impertinent --- 無禮
indolent --- 懶散
irrational --- 無理性
irritable --- 易怒
melancholic --- 憂鬱
moody --- 情緒化
obstinate --- 頑固
pleasant --- 易相處
pugnacious --- 好勇鬥狠
quarrelsome --- 好爭吵
reckless --- 魯莽
self-abased --- 自卑
shifty --- 奸詐
sociable --- 好交際
sophisticated --- 世故
thoughtful --- 關懷
timid --- 怯懦
witty --- 風趣
drawling --- 慢吞吞
indistinct --- 口齒不清
apathetic --- 漠不關心
approachable --- 平易近人
assertive --- 堅强決斷
bold and unconstrained --- 豪放的
brusque --- 唐突粗率的
conceited --- 自高自大的
conform to convention --- 循規蹈矩
conscientious --- 有責任心的
convincing --- 令人信服的
cursory --- 草率的
demanding --- 苛求的
depressive --- 沮喪的
depressed / downcast --- 意志消沉
disgusting --- 討厭的
emotional / moody --- 情緒化
energetic --- 充滿活力 / 幹勁
equivocal --- 模棱兩可的
erratic --- 反覆的
even tempered and polite --- 溫文有禮
introverted --- 內向的
extroverted --- 外向的
flexible --- 易適應的
foolhardy --- 莽撞的
fortitude --- 不屈不撓
neither supercilious nor obsequious --- 不亢不卑
open-minded --- 坦率的
optimistic --- 樂觀的
passive --- 消極的
panic --- 驚惶失措
perverse --- 倔强的
practical --- 實際的
pragmatic --- 實事求是的
irresolute --- 沒決斷的
reliability and integrity --- 忠誠可靠
reliable --- 可信賴的
resourceful --- 機智的
retiring --- 羞怯的
seek the limelight --- 好出風頭
self-centred --- 自私自利的
self-disciplined --- 自律的
sensible / rational --- 明智的
slothful / idle --- 懶散的
undetermined --- 優柔寡斷
unpredictable --- 飄忽的
unrealistic --- 不切實際
withdrawn --- 孤僻的
vulgar --- 粗野的
vulnerable / fragile --- 脆弱的
rigid / inflexible --- 刻板的
veteran --- 老練
voluble --- 健談
soft / amicable --- 溫和的

2007-06-07 18:30:44 補充:
merciful 仁慈的; intelligent 有智慧的; sensitive 敏感的; diligent 勤奮的; reserved 含蓄的, 緘默的; critical 挑剔的; humble 謙遜的; mean 吝嗇的, 自私的; loyal 忠誠的; elegant / decent 優雅的; loosed / immoral 放蕩的; serious 嚴肅的; delicate 賢淑的, 體貼的; straight forward 直率的; strict / stern 嚴厲的; neat 整潔的; easy- going 易相處的;

2007-06-07 18:33:02 補充:
charming 迷人的, 有魅力的; cocky (俗) 過於自信的, 無禮的, 自負的; cowardly 膽小的, 懦怯的; courageous 勇敢的; odd 古怪的; talkative 喜歡談話的; selfish 自私的; ambitious 有雄心的, 野心勃勃的; popular 得人心的,受 歡迎的; honest 誠實的;正直的; sentimental 情深的,多情的; reticent 沈默的; reasonable 通情達理的, 講道理的

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