Errors not affecting a/c

2007-06-01 6:20 am
1.A sundry expense of $100 should have been accried .
Miss 話要開 "Sundry expenses" , "Accried Sundry ", "Profit and loss account"
1.) sundry expense of $100 should have been perpayment. 咁開邊 D accounts ?
Sundry expenses, Perpayment Sundry ,Profit and loss account . right?

2.) 幾時先會開架 Profit and loss account" ga?在 Errors not affecting a/c 入面

回答 (2)

2007-06-10 6:03 am
✔ 最佳答案
1.) sundry expense of $100 should have been perpayment. 咁開邊 D accounts ?
Sundry expenses, Perpayment Sundry ,Profit and loss account . right?

係開sundry expenses 同prepayement sundry
不過,要留意debit 同credit

提一提,你這d 應該係from 4的會計,如果讀高d,不會有prepayment sundry,只會有prepayment,否則好多個prepayment,在p/ l會好長


還有,讀下去,不會開profit and loss account,只會開income statement

may be finance cost/operatation cost...

如果要做double entry,會係
DR Prepayement 100
Cr sundry expenses 100


A sundry expense of $100 should have been accried .
Miss 話要開 "Sundry expenses" , "Accried Sundry ", "Profit and loss account"

dr sundry expenses 100
cr accrual 100

profit and loss 當然要開,因為sundry expense是一個expenses

2.) 幾時先會開架 Profit and loss account" ga?在 Errors not affecting a/c 入面
一般情況,要看返,那個是income / expenses,income 同expenses,當然要開profit and loss account

另外,二者都係expenese like dr salaries 入咗dr sundry,就唔使理

如果,只係影響assets,不會在profit and loss,只會出現在balances sheet
又或者notes to the account (financial statement)
2007-06-01 6:56 am

2) 總之睇下ERRORS會唔會AFFECT各個 INCOME 或者係EXPENSES SEND to P/L a/c 既數字. 會就要開

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