
2007-06-01 6:04 am


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2007-06-01 8:51 am
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Heart disease

1. Congenital heart disease :

The baby was found to have heart defect when it was born. This can be related to heredity, maternal illness at the beginning of prenancy, infection or drugs factor.

2. Acquired heart disease :

- Coronary heart disease :
It is caused by an accumulation of fats in the coronary artery of the heart, This causes atherosclerosis, narrowing of the blood vessel and resisting blood flow. All of these damage the heart by depleting the heart of oxygen.

- Hypertensional heart disease :
The high blood pressure of the artery increases the load of the left ventricle. This causes the swelling of the left ventricle and the high blood pressure syndrome of the lungs. Lastly, the rigth ventricle also becomes swelling.

- Rheumatic heart disease :
The valves of the heart gradually deforms once being infected with rheumatic fever, causing malfunction.

- Pulmonary heart disease :
It is a type of heart complication raised by the pulmonary diseases ( e.g. chronic bronchitis, emphysema ). Pulmonary dieases raises the blood pressure of the pulmonary artery, causing the swelling or failure of the right ventricle.

- Cardiac muscle disease :
Infection, metabolisms, drugs, alcohols or hormones can cause the transformation or failure of cardiac muscle.

- Heart tumour :
Most are benign tumours. The most common type is mucus tumour. They are rarely original cardiac malignant tumours.

2007-06-01 00:55:41 補充:
Pulmonary heart disease 第三行打錯字pulmonary dieases --- pulmonary diseases
參考: Me, 醫書, dictionary and A-level Bio text books
2007-06-01 10:14 pm

Heart disease
1. Congenital heart disease: When baby birth the heart had theflaw, this with the heredity, the mother was being pregnant the earlytime to catch an illness, to receive the infection or once takes themedicine to concern.
2. an acquired character heart disease:
- Coronary artery heart disease: The heart coronary arteryagglomeration fat, causes the angiosclerosis and is narrow, the bloodstream is blocked, causes the cardic muscle to suffer injury becauseof the oxygen deficit.
- Hypertension heart disease: The artery hypertension increased theleft ventricle load, causes the left ventricle large and the lung highpressure sickness, finally causes the right ventricle to be large.
- Rheumatic heart disease: The heart valve after receives therheumatic fever to infect gradually distorts, causes the function notto be normal.
- Lung heart disease: Heart illness complication which by thepulmonary tuberculosis (for example chronic bronchitis, pulmonaryemphysema and so on) cause. The pulmonary tuberculosis is elevated thepulmonary artery blood pressure, causes the right ventricle to belarge or the failure.
- Heart myopathy: The infection, the metabolism, the medicine, theethyl alcohol or hormone and so on all may cause the cardic musclechange and the failure.
- Heart tumor: Mostly is the benign tumor, by mucus lump most common,very are few is the primary heart malignant tumor.

收錄日期: 2021-04-13 00:33:29
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