
2007-06-01 2:44 am




可能文法上會有些出錯,但請見諒! 都要翻譯英文呀!因為我要比李SIR架!THANKS


可能文法上會有些出錯,但請見諒! 這句都要翻譯英文呀!THANKS!

回答 (8)

2008-01-24 2:43 am
2007-06-16 3:51 am
做咩唔係英文.... XD
2007-06-08 2:28 am
Dear Lee sir, I thank you years of teaching, I am glad to know you, because sometimes I do not done well, make you feel that you really worry or trouble Sorry! You hope that next year is my class teacher! there may be some grammar mistakes , but please excuse me! On the wish!
2007-06-01 3:01 am
To my favourite teacher Mr.Lee
Thank you for your patiently teaching in this year.I am so glad meeting you.Sometimes i didn't do well
but you still put your great affect to teach me.I always make you angry and worry about me.I am truly grateful for all you help.I really hope that you could be my teacher again in next year.Thank you so much!
參考: 都係自己寫好d ge....
2007-06-01 2:56 am
Dear Lee Sir,

Thanks for teaching me this couple of years. I am very glad that i met you. Sometimes, i haven't done my best, and made you very worried. I am really sorry. Hope you would still be my form tutor next year.

Your name
2007-06-01 2:54 am
Dear sir,
THANK YOU for your teaching. You are a good teacher.Although I always give you some annoy and worry ,you still excuse me and teach me patiently~
Hope that you will be my classteacher next year !!!

2007-05-31 18:55:14 補充:
參考: ME
2007-06-01 2:52 am
Dear Sir:
I would like to take the chance to say Thank you and my appreciation for your teaching to me of the past few years.
I glad to meet a teacher like you.
I am sorry to make you annoy or worry as I did not try my best to perform well.
I wish taht you will be my teacher for the following year as well.

Hope that it could be useful to you!!!!
2007-06-01 2:51 am
Dear Mr Lee,
Thanks for your teaching in these years. I am happy that I can meet you. Sometimes, I do something wrong, so that make you unhappy. I am so sorry for this! I hope that you will be my class teacher next year against.
Wish you can have a happy teaching !
參考: Hope I can help you .

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