Reported Speech問題

2007-06-01 2:11 am
Ken asked us "Are you listening to me now"
答案是Ken asked us if we were listening to him then
點解係were lilistening 點解多左個were 點解唔駛轉listening 為list ened

回答 (2)

2007-06-01 2:22 am
✔ 最佳答案
It is because it is using a past continuis tense
e.x. Tom is watching TV.
After one hours
Tom was watching TV one hours ago.
( -..- )
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/ \
參考: me
2007-06-01 6:43 am
Reported speech要把現在進行式轉過去進行式
即are istening轉做were lilistening

若果係 Ken asked us "Do you listen to me ?"
就會轉為Ken asked us if we listened to him

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