Maths questions II

2007-06-01 1:38 am
1. If 6 men can finish a piece of work in 2 days, how many days are required for 4 men to do it?
I write:2 divide(除) 6 and multiply(乘) 4. But teacher said that I'm wrong. The correct answer is: 6 multiply(乘) 2 and divide(除) 4.
Why I'm wrong and why do this is the correct answer?

If you want to answer more questions, please check
'Maths III' , thanks!

回答 (4)

2007-06-01 1:46 am
✔ 最佳答案
6 men finish a piece of work in 2 days,
that mean each man take 2 days for the work.....
if only one man perform the piece of work, it takes 6 X 2 =12 (days)
So...when the piece of work (12 days) is performed by four men...
then, the answer is 12 /4 = 3 days....

You are wrong because each man do two days of work
but not the 2 days work shared by 6 men
2007-06-08 5:35 am
Because the way u think is wrong!6*2 is just the total & now hv to find 4 men so divide by 4!
參考: myself
2007-06-02 8:12 am
2007-06-01 1:48 am
6men can finish a piece of work in 2 day.

Please considere how many days is required for one man
6 x 2 = 12 days

You can consider a job need to be completed by one man is X days
Then considered by 6 men is X/6=2
Then you can know the day required by one man is 6 x 2 = 12 days.

The job completed by 4men shall be X/4.

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