There is no oranges 點解係正確呢? 呢個情況既is之後點解用plural?

2007-06-01 1:28 am
小學既試題係"There is/are no oranges" , 正確答案係 "There is" , 點解呢?!
請指教~~Thank you so much!!!

回答 (3)

2007-06-01 2:27 am
✔ 最佳答案

no oranges 這裡的意思是指什麼品種/種類的橙都沒有,既然沒有當然用 single "is".

其實當見到 no 就一定用 single.

又例如在公園的告示牌:No Dogs 都是這個意思

2007-06-01 8:26 pm
你老師所給的答案不正確。在句子 There ___ no oranges中,動詞是按照後面的名詞的單眾數。因為名詞是oranges,是個眾數名詞,所以動詞to be要寫成 are,而非「正確答案」的is。

No child is in the playground.
> There is no child in the playground.
> There is no child.

No children are in the playground.
> There are no children in the playground.
> There are no children.
2007-06-01 1:31 am
點解唔係 There is no orange?

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