
2007-06-01 12:50 am
因工作關係要去維也納,可能同上司一齊去,也可能要自己一個人去,暫時未定。想請問各位,一個女仔過去o個度三日開會安全嗎?我未去過o個度,同埋我個樣唔係o個種睇落去好tough的女仔。會入住Renaissance Penta Vienna Hotel。多謝回答,如果可以講埋有d咩要留意就更好^^ thx thx

回答 (4)

2007-06-01 5:46 am
✔ 最佳答案
No problem because I'm living in Vienna now.
But my experience is that don't talk to strangers. In case somebody says he's police and want to check your purse/ bag, don't show it. You should ask he/them to go to the police station that you know.
In case of emergency and need to call police, call 133.
PS. by the way, please keep some small coins, e.g. 10, 20, 50 cents, for toilets.
參考: I live in Vienna
2007-06-09 12:41 am

其實你只要當自己在香港人多的地方,小心passport, $便可.不要把袋放在背後.


toilet需付款的0.5euro,打local電話min 0.5euro一次,水可直接飲用
2007-06-02 3:54 am
You will be fine, I was staying alone for 5 days last year.
- Austrian is generally decent, helpful and polite
- Their English ability is comparatively (to France, Italy, Poland, etc) OK.
- English signage is usually available
- Vienna is a neat and tidy city, Metro and tram is easy to ride on.

- take or buy a map of the city
- visit tourist information centres (there would be one in airport and for sure u can find several in the city) / hotel concierge for travel or transportation info
- bring a travel book with u so that u will have city’s info on hand anytime, our public library has some to borrow na, you may no need to buy one~

Just like anytime u stay alone, wherever Vienna or woman street in HK
- Look closely of ur own belongings
- Don’t stay too late on the street at night
- Don’t’ talk and then follow strangers to somewhere
- Call to family or friends to let them know u are safe everyday

Simply be careful and enjoy ur days in lovely Vienna!
參考: I ve been travelling alone in vienna
2007-06-01 1:01 am

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