City U Master of Accounting interview 會以咩形式進行?

2007-06-01 12:34 am
會單對單interview, 定係group interview
會問啲咩呢?? 有冇人有經驗呀 ?? 可唔可以分享吓

aiya ....我都係8/6 呀.... 我都好緊張呢.... 你有冇msn ? 可以email 俾我, [email protected]

回答 (1)

2007-06-01 4:26 pm
✔ 最佳答案
我都報左 Cityu 既 Master of Professional Accounting 呀, 8/6 interview, 我問過打黎通知我個小姐, 佢話係 individual interview, interviwer 係 professor Ma, 你幾時 interview 呀?? 大家交流一下, 或者第時做同學, 哈哈, Good Luck!!! (不過我是超沒信心, 努力!)

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