
2007-05-31 10:20 pm
一家三口暑假去旅行, 不知選沙巴還是浮羅交怡好呢 - 小朋友今年 12歲

回答 (4)

2007-06-02 3:08 pm
I went to both places before and I would suggest you to Sabah instead.

The flying time is only 2 and a half hours to Sabah however if you fly on connecting flight to Langkawi, it may take you 6-7 hours eventually - it's bit too much for a 12-year old kid (you know they are quite active...)

The downtown area is more busy and you can walk around and see more things.

Other than water sports, you can go hiking (to Mount Kinabalu - the tallest mountain in Asia) or take a 25-minute boat ride to the outer unspolied islands. The water is pretty rough in Langkawi.... and Sabah's beaches/islands are more beautiful.

The hotels are more luxury, well -euippped and comfortable in Sabah.

No matter you join tour or go by yourself, Sabah environment and accommodation will be better. It is also cheaper travelling to Sabah in general.

Of course, if you prefer to take a visit to pay visit to Kaula Lumpur, you better choose Langkawi.

2007-06-02 13:45:51 補充:
sabah has more wide life to see i.e. butteflies, monkeys...... and as i could remember fireflies tour in the mangroove was amazing.
參考: my own experience
2007-06-01 6:28 am

參考: 阿ling
2007-05-31 10:37 pm
2007-05-31 10:24 pm
浮羅交怡. I have been there. It is a great place to travel.

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