Notebook 買 Thinkpad or Fujitsu 好d?

2007-05-31 9:45 pm
係Thinkpad & Fujitsu 之間2選1
Thinkpad... d專業人仕話好用,又物有所值...但係就made in china
Fuijtsu...穩定性同Thinkpad差唔多,因為made in Japan...所以就貴少少

回答 (3)

2007-05-31 9:54 pm
✔ 最佳答案
講真如果金錢充裕的話就更係買FUJITSU啦, 日本機, 款又型, 不過就要諗埋售後服務, 好似熱線同維修呢類喇, IBM就有24小時HOTLINE同有REPAIR CENTRE, FUJITSU就好似冇咁全面喇, 其實IBM都幾好用架, 不過款就好有OFFICE FEEL...
2007-06-05 8:52 pm
Recently .. I buy Fujisu .. is good ..

Specially it have 3 year warrently ... this is very good for normal user.

Currently ONLY LG // Fujisu // and some professional Thinkpad and Toshiba provide 3 years FREE support.

It is very important for End User like me
2007-05-31 9:50 pm
I'm not the professional of IT people but I would buy Thinkpad because of its config is reasonable when compared to the price I've to paid.

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