哪裏有關於 RMB exchange rate (人民幣匯率) 的 article?

2007-05-31 8:29 pm
要做 research 寫 paper 但找不到合適的資料, 請幫幫忙...

我要寫英文 10-15 頁有關人民幣匯率如何影響全球及香港經濟的功課。我用 yahoo 和 google 都找不到淺白而合適的 article, 要幫助我明白了 topic, 消化了資料再可以自己寫的, 請問可否提供一些 link幫助我 search for data。 萬分感激...

回答 (2)

2007-05-31 8:42 pm
I am sure that there must be some articles on the internet. You can try the website of
Oriental Daily News (recent 8 weeks) articles or next magazine.

In fact, when the valus of RMB increases, that means it will become more expensive for China to export,
For example, in the past a piece of cotton costed RMB$2 (meaning HK$1.9) for H.K business man. Now as the increase of value of RMb the $2 becomes HK$2. Thus, buying in China is less competitive.
One of the reason the world is pushing the RMB to increase in value is that other countries want to make China prices of goods less competitive--more chance for people to buy overseas.
Try searching news article: just type the Chinese name of the name of the newspaper and Yahoo will direct you to the website

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