2007-05-31 8:08 pm
我想知道邊隻電腦最好, NOTEBOOK 好d呀? 還是
Desktop好d呀? 用邊隻牌字好呀?
因為我想設計D 圖片, 影像, internet design, 電影製作

我想買DESKTOP 電腦,以下的品牌邊隻最好,可以 做室內設計, internet設計, 相片設計, 圖片設計, 製作不同效果電影, 係唔係一定要computer vista? HP DELL FUJITSU APPLE

回答 (2)

2007-06-02 2:17 am
✔ 最佳答案
For design work, Apple MAC of course! Because of it's high performance and quality of the screen. Personally I prefer notebook.

I'm a full time designer and I'll have to brain storm and research all the time. You can work wherever you like even in bed (that's where I use usually) all you need is a wireless network that's all. Also you'll desperatly need it if you go to school(for design). And you can use it a lot when you go out and meet clients.

No bugs, no network virus or being hack because Mac got its good security system. If you need to access to the internet offen, Mac is better then PC. Coz PC would got virus and strange stuff and you will have to fix it or change it every 3or4 years. However, I've been using Mac for 5 years and nothing ever happen.

However! If you have to do interior design work like autocad, you can only use it in Windows enviorment. Then you'll have to install a Windows platform in the Mac. Just like me ^.^

And of course, MacBook is a bit expansive compare to desktop PC, at least $9000
But it's really worth it and the first choice for designer.

But when I was a poor student, I use Asus Notebook(PC), which is still cool and much cheaper. High performance as well and highly recommanded. But the screen is not as nice as Apple's. And you'll really really need to have a anti-virus programme.

HP , DELL, Acer & 砌機 are not recommanded! I had Acer and 砌機 desktop before and it's totally waste of money!! It's good at the beginning, and then it will become very slow coz you'll get virus at once when you access to the internet, lots of bugs, slow slow slow when you use design software!! You'll end up buying a new one once every 2 or 3 years.

The battery for notebook nowadays are much better. I use it without plug for at least 6 hours a day. Or just use it with its plug since the charger is small and stylish. Charger for PC notbook are bigger and heavier.
參考: My experiance
2007-05-31 10:08 pm
基本上你想做既野..2種電腦都可以做到..不過我個人認為desktop會好d,因為laptop d電係好易用晒,幾粒鐘就會用晒..同埋laptop比較易壞..所以我覺得desktop會好d..
desktop呢..就係用IBM會好d..作業系統都建議你用windows xp...

2007-06-10 19:06:19 補充:
乜你肯定砌機一定係晒錢咩.. 你肯定砌機一定用耐左就會慢??
仲係同一開始一樣快tim呀.. 佢部都係砌機呢既姐..
仲有呀..睇你用咩software既姐.. 你用d好咋既防毒軟件就緊係會中毒啦..
你d經驗一定係岩既?? 冇撞過版?? 你d laptop加左野先係6個鐘..

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