請問在PRICE TERM 什麼是 FOB / CIF ....?

2007-05-31 6:47 pm
什麼是 FOB / CIF / C&I / C&F / DDU ?

回答 (3)

2007-05-31 8:37 pm
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FOB - Free On Board,買家負責將貨物交到碼頭以及裝貨費,賣家負責運費,保險,卸貨費,目的地運費.
Free On Board (FOB) is an Incoterm -- also commonly but incorrectly referred to as "Freight on Board". It means that the seller pays for transportation of the goods to the port of shipment, plus loading costs. The buyer pays freight, insurance, unloading costs and transportation from the port of destination to the factory. The passing of risks occurs when the goods pass the ship's rail at the port of shipment. Internationally the term specifies the port of loading, e.g. "FOB New York" or "FOB Vancouver".

CIF - Cost, Insurance and Freight,賣家負責貨物成本,運費,海運保險.
Cost, Insurance and Freight (CIF) is a common term in a sales contract that may be encountered in international trading when ocean transport is used.
When a price is quoted CIF, it means that the selling price includes the cost of the goods, the freight or transport costs and also the cost of marine insurance. CIF is an international commerce term (Incoterm).

C&I - Cost & Insurance,賣家負責貨物成本及海運保險,但係唔負責運費.

C&F - Cost & Freight,賣家負責貨物成本及運費,但係唔負責海運保險.

DDU - Delivered Duty Unpaid,賣家負責所有費用(除咗進口關稅),包括貨物成本,運費,裝卸貨費,保險等等.
Delivered Duty Unpaid (DDU) is an Incoterm. It means that the seller pays for all transportation costs and bears all risk until the goods have been delivered, but does not pay for the duty.
參考: 個人知識+維基百科
2007-05-31 8:31 pm

DDU(Delivered Duty Unpaid) 送到目的地包含運費, 但進口的所有稅金未付.

參考: 摘錄自高雄海洋大學.
2007-05-31 6:57 pm
FOB = free on board 即是賣家衹將貨物交到船公司倉庫
C I F = cost + insurance + freight 即貨價包括貨品價錢 + 保險 + 運費
C & I = cost + insurance 貨價包括貨品價錢 + 保險
C & F = cost + freight 即貨價包括貨品價錢 + 運費
D D U = sorry! 唔知!

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