
2007-05-31 6:36 pm
本人張合約將於7月到期, 想於到期後取消, 但打比有線話取消,個電話一味等等等等等等

希望各位朋友post 張取消有線電視的表格出來

Thank you a lot!!!!!!!

回答 (2)

2007-05-31 6:50 pm
✔ 最佳答案
【e-Form Link】


另外有網友post過【取消 Cable TV 的最快方法 - 一個 email 攪掂】

5月27日 send 咗呢份 email, 5月30日 Cable TV 即刻有專人覆我, 話 6月28日幫我取消 Cable TV !

收件者:[email protected]
副本: [email protected], [email protected]

主旨:Poor termination service of Cable TV!

Dear all,

I am writing to complain the poor termination service of Cable TV. I have tried so many time to contact the Cable TV staff by phone at 1832898 for termination of the Cable TV service but in vain. I then manage to get a Cable TV termination form by downloading but I
am shock to know that expired termination form or with unmatched ref. no. will not be processed. Anyway, I still fill in form and cross
out this unacceptable conditions. I request to terminate the Cable TV service on 28-06-2007 and then fax this form to Cable TV on 27-05-2007. I need you to monitor the progress of the Cable TV regarding the termination of the Cable TV service. I can be reached at mobile phone no. xxxxxxxx. Thanks for your attention.



2007-05-31 10:57:13 補充:
加多條download link比你:http://sky.geocities.jp/mp30625694/CableTVServiceTerminationForm_May2007.pdf
2007-06-04 7:00 pm
唔好再等寄form, 你寄到佢, 佢都會話你可能寄失, 收唔到。

你打電話去都唔會有人聽, 即使有人聽, 佢地都會有心刁難,一時話要寄張form 要寄好耐, 一時又問長問短,攪到你唔耐煩。

辦公時間:9:00~6:00pm, 星期六都照常辦公。

去到大樓接待處,則向接待小姐表明要"取消有線服務",則可獲一張籌,等候時間需視乎當時的人輪,之後會有人安排你到右手邊一間細小的房間做登記,寫 FORM, 若有合約,則帶齊合約, 登記人身份證,期後有關人員會致電向內部查核你的資料,最後會問你取消服務的原因,答"移民"係最好的,因為免得被佢地問長問短。之後, 佢地話會寄信通知。在取消服務日期後的兩個星期內, 必須要自行退還解碼器及Remote Control, 否則要罸款約2千元,退還地點有四個,稍後補上。

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