
2007-05-31 6:28 pm
我想問我個passport係 British Passport (NOT BNO),
or 我要俾international student既學費?

請提供source of information (<- must give item)

謝謝 =)

回答 (2)

2007-06-02 6:25 am
✔ 最佳答案


1. 已定居英國。「定居」的意思是你持有英國公民護照(國籍註明是British Citizen)或你可以無限制地居留英國,或者你擁有英國居留權及;
2. 你定居連續滿三年(如果你打算於06-07學年付Home Fee,你一定要在2003年9月1日前定居英國)及;
3. 你在這三年內並非為就讀全日制課程的自的來定居英國。

另外,所謂定居連續滿三年一般是以Council Tax來計算的,如果你在英國有物業或租住在繳有Council Tax的地址的話一般就符合資格。
2007-06-01 9:34 am
Even though if you are British passport holder (NOT BNO), if you haven't been resident in the U.K. in the past two years then you still have to pay the overseas student's fee.

You have to be resident in the U.K. over 2 years, then from the third year, you can be entitle to pay the home student fee.

Anyway, you should consult with the British Consulate General Hong Kong

收錄日期: 2021-05-03 12:20:59
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