
2007-05-31 6:01 pm
早幾日在 TV新聞 見到個人話 六 四 忘記哂啦, 唔記得啦! 見到呢個樣, 很討厭, 究竟佢個腦係點? 係咪講野唔用腦?

回答 (2)

2007-05-31 6:24 pm
✔ 最佳答案
2007-06-01 2:28 am
he is very disgusting and stupid.

- i've seen funeral in India, they burn dead body with woods. it doesn't need to be over thoudsand degrees.
- i've seen hundreds of bloody photos at that week of 64, were they all fake? and why are the news all over the world telling the same bloody story, are they work together to overthrow Chinese govt?
- the deaths & injurys was witnessed by the HK reporters & HK students in beijing. are they all spys from US?

tons & tons of tears from HK people... i won't forget it, cause killing the innocents is absolutely unacceptable.

but i do know somthing about dog's brain - they will not base on facts or logic or justice, but just base on the favour of their master. - ATTACK - SIT - GOOD BOY.

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