YOKI SIR......高追了貨, 應持有還是止蝕.......拜託指教指教~

2007-05-31 10:58 am
唉......我在28/5-29/5兩天, 入了幾隻細價股:
(1191) 中富 $0.64入
(156) 力寶華潤 $0.6入
(193) 冠中地產 $0.158入
(617) 百利保 $0.405入

請問當中哪隻值得死守, 哪隻應止蝕??
希望你能指教一下我, 謝謝~!!!

回答 (2)

2007-06-01 10:42 am
✔ 最佳答案
Actually, buying this stock @ 0.158 is a little bit risky.... because you are pretty expose to the risk to buy this stock at this price. Anyway, if I were you, the best effort is to set a floor price at which you sell you stock. Think about this stock can fluctuate about 15%-20% a day. Set the floor value of $0.158x0.85=$0.135, then I consider you are playing safe for this stock. Remember to always set the floor value to sell your stock on hands if you are buying a stock which can fluctuate a lot within, say a week.
2007-05-31 3:04 pm
i think you have to sell the 193 first.

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