
2007-05-31 4:29 am


2.你認為在中大學生報事件上,who 人應負上責任?why?
用一百字答哂lee 2題!!thx!!

回答 (3)

2007-06-05 10:18 pm
✔ 最佳答案
中大學生所講的全是廢話,談色情和言論自由根本就拉不上任何關係,很簡單的例子:一個女士不喜歡和某男士談論性事,而那男士又繼續去談,最後那位男士被人告性騷擾,請問是否封殺了那人的言論自由呢 ?? 我相信小學六年級的學生也可以找出正確的答案,但偏偏大學生找不到。原因很簡單,因為他們覺得自己是大學生,不用聽取別人的意見,他們有高學識就算錯也不會錯得很遠。永遠都堅持己見,直到最後也死不認錯。

2007-05-31 6:09 am
The students have to take the full responsibility. Especially for the chairman and editor of this paper. We do have the right to talk here, but it doesn't mean you can say whatever you want. As an adult, as well as the university student, you should be responsible for your own behaviour, and you should know what you are doing! I think they forget what is moral and ethic are?!

It was so ridiculous, most of the unis' paper do not talk about sex or some horrible things like that! Additionally, I don't know if there are the same group of people, who were trying to raise the issue of the Bible and the others, if those complaints are come from this group of people, they are absolutely naive and childish, as they still do not realise they did something wrong.

The university should bear a bittle bit responsibility in this case, but not all, as this kind of newspaper is not really represent the Chinese University!
2007-05-31 5:55 am

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