
2007-05-31 3:58 am

自問冇乜信心...想問下仲有咩途徑讀到? 同埋有冇d咩科係同醫科有相關既?
另外non-JUPAS係咩黎? 如果我最初入唔到醫...我係咪有可能用呢個方法轉到?


回答 (1)

2007-06-05 10:11 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Can study Bachelor of medical science in HKU first (must obtain first class honour) and then apply as non JUPAS, chance is higher (this pathway will take longer)

If you study oversea you need to sit the HK Medical council exam (3 papers and practical test, some paper passing rate as low as 10%) and do 1 year of intership again (even if your degree is obtained from Australia or UK) new policy after 1997

You can check on HK medical council website (

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