
2007-05-31 3:45 am

PS:瀕臨絕種生物=endangered spesies
生物=living thing

回答 (5)

2007-06-01 2:43 am
✔ 最佳答案
The biological penetration reproduction survival gets down. But, some living thing are surviving, certainly does not have opportunity reproduction next generation. Therefore, certain types biology numbers unceasingly reduce, even faces a kind of crisis. The biology once the kind, forever vanishes on the Earth. Now many biology are receiving a kind of threat, we called these living thing for border on a biology.

PS: Borders on biological =endangered spesies
kind of =extinction
biological =living thing
參考: me
2007-05-31 4:38 am
What do you do?
參考: What do you do?
2007-05-31 3:53 am
The living beings survive through breeding.But, some living beings have no chance to breed the future generation while surviving.So, the biological figure of some kind is reducing constantly, even face the crisis that becomes extinct.Once the living beings become extinct, disappear on the earth forever. Many living beings threaten become extinct now, we call these living beings the endangered living beings.
參考: myself
2007-05-31 3:51 am
Living creature through breed to exist bottom.But, some living creatures at the time of existing, opportunity to have no breeds the next generation.Therefore, the number of the living creature of some categories reduces continuously, even facing the crisis for becoming extinct.Living creature once becoming extinct, is disappearing on the earth forever.A few living creatures are aring subjected to become extinct now of threat, we call these living creatures as to get close to become extinct living creature.
2007-05-31 3:48 am
Through biological reproduction survive. However, some of the biological survival, and no chance of breeding the next generation. Therefore, certain types of biological shrinking number, even in the face of extinction. Once the biological species on the planet will disappear. Now many biological species are under threat, we call these wildlife endangered species. PS : endangered species extinction =extinction =endangered spesies biological = living thing

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