
2007-05-31 2:43 am

回答 (3)

2007-05-31 2:59 am
✔ 最佳答案
- 認識不同國籍的人士, 體驗當地文化, 擴闊視野.
- 學習如何獨立生活、如何獨立解決問題.
- 如果你肯主動同外國人溝通, 肯主動學習, 語文水準會有所提高.

- 這視乎你的學習心態. 有些香港學生到澳洲升學, 只是與中國學生以中文談話, 英文水平沒有上升.
- 外國升學價值不菲, 對貧窮家庭有一定的負擔.
- 有時會遇到難以向人說明的困難.

2007-05-31 08:18:52 補充:
去外國讀書前還要留意學院課程的認受性, 讀了一些不獲承認的課程只是浪費金錢和時間.
2007-05-31 3:00 am
去外國讀書 is realli good i think, because you actually can learn more stuff, but depends where you go. coz i study in Melbourne, it is realli easy to get into university after high school. you can easy to study...
but the bad thing will be people may not like you, coz you are Chinese or whatever country you are from... you may find it hard to communicate with them...
hope this can help you.
P.S: i been studied in oversea for 7 years already, since high school
參考: 我
2007-05-31 2:52 am
好處就係可以學習獨立, 識到唔同國家既朋友, 學習到唔同國家既生活習慣/文化等等...

壞處就係如果你對個個國家既語言唔熟悉既時候, 好難向人說明你要既野...例如睇醫生就幾難同佢形容你邊度唔舒服...or 你有時需要既野係外國冇既而又好急需既, 等屋企人記過去都幾麻煩...
參考: 自己 我係留學生.

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