does chickens need to drink any water??

2007-05-31 2:12 am
does chickens need to drink any water??
i wanted to know because we have two chickens and they don't drink any water...
and i also want to know that how do you know that if chickens are male or female??


so does the female chickens grow slower than the male?

回答 (2)

2007-05-31 2:21 am
✔ 最佳答案
yes, chickens need to drink water.
you can put some water near them. they will drink it ..
to differentiate the male and the female of chickens , you can see that their cockscomb
the bigger one is male
2007-05-31 2:22 am
They need drink water !!
If the chicken just born can't easy the defind male or female

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