我想問george's medicine個grandma有咩personality???

2007-05-31 12:59 am
我想問george's medicine個grandma有咩personality???

仲有grumpy, selfish , bossy同bad-tempered 算5算personality??

sori 應該係 佢ge character 唔該至少俾5個我呀.... plz avoid some 相似ge word我呀,,,,, 3333

回答 (1)

2007-05-31 1:12 am
✔ 最佳答案


Plot summary

George Kranky is fed up of his Grandma's grumpiness and seeks to cure it by brewing a special medicine to cure her (made from everything in the house), only to end up making his Grandma as tall as a house (while this does not improve her disposition, it does make her happier). George's father, a farmer, hits on the idea of making more of George's marvelous medicine to make his animals bigger and fatter. Unfortunately, George could not remember the recipe; after several failed attempts, involving some oddly deformed chickens, they create a formula which makes things shrink. The nasty Grandma, feeling ignored, thinks that the medicine is her tea and drinks all of it, shrinking to nothingness, and complaining the entire time. Only the mother is sad (the father saying that the grandmother was a nag) and by lunchtime, the mother agrees with her husband.

[edit] Ingredients

Bathroom items: shampoo, toothpaste, some shaving soap, face cream and nail varnish.
Various animal medicines (but not human medicines) and sheep dip
Kitchen cupboard: curry powder and other spices
Other kitchen items: washing powder, floor polish, flea powder and shoe polish
Bedroom items: lipstick, perfume and hairspray
Garage items: engine oil, anti-freeze and a handful of grease
Dark brown gloss paint (for colouring)

收錄日期: 2021-05-03 03:25:13
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