
2007-05-31 12:14 am
我8年前已考了車牌, 一直想有車, 今年年頭下了決心 唔同老公去日本, 而買了一架2手車(其實老公唔多想去日本)牌費6月到期.
玩了大約4個月, 好開心, 唔要架車有唔捨得, 但養車好貴(不過我無小孩), 同時我有想去日本......
大家幫一下, 做個決定, 要唔要架車...

回答 (6)

2007-05-31 12:41 am
✔ 最佳答案
Dun go to any leisure trip if you need to sell your assets for the trip.

This means you dun have leisure money. How can you go to a trip but you cannot afford it?

IF you cannot afford a car, just sell it. As long as you can afford one without severely affect your normal life, you can back another one in the future.

FOr the trip, it would the same principle. CAnnot afford = go late but not now.

Make up your mind and be clear with your financial position.

1) Car expense:

$2,500 monthly parking x 12 months = $30,000
$15/hr street parking x 4hrs x 2 days (Sat+Sun) x 4 wks x 12mths = $5,760
$500 fuel x 2 times per month x 12 months = $12,000
License = $5,000 per annum
Insurance = $2500 per annum
Repair and maintenance = $3,000 per annum

Total annual expense : at least $58,260

2) Japan trip

Depends on situation
2 people airfare + hotel package = $8,000 - 10,000
Meals : $100 x 3 x 5 days x 2 ppl =$3,000
Buy handbags, cameras, etc x 2 ppl = $10,000 - $20,000
Misc : $500 x 5 days = $2,500
Souvenior for friends and colleagues = $1,000

Total per trip = $36,500

As a conclusion, the total expesne of the 2 cases are similar. But:
1) For a car, it can give you a whole year enjoyment.
2) For a trip, it can only give you 4-5 days of happiness (except you will buy a lot of stuff). So

I would suggest you sell your car first, go for a trip now (before you have any child). THen after you have children, buy a car for them (coz you cannot go for trip for several yrs after u have a child)
參考: Self
2007-05-31 6:43 am
2007-05-31 12:34 am

要車 - 之後尚有大把消費,有既知或大吉利是嘅支出在它身上,以經爽過及了心願。

日夲遊 - 唔知你哋到過末,當你哋末到過 - 若不超資,一生中回憶(與自己至爰),相片成為紀念,日後若有小孩起碼六、七年不能遠行。

你應該識得揀 !
2007-05-31 12:27 am
如果你唔係住得好偏僻, 我就建議你唔好要架車, 因為養車真係好貴, 搵位泊車又煩, 而且香港的交通實在太方便, 四通八達, 希望可以幫到你啦!
2007-05-31 12:24 am
本人係有車之人, 如果你有多餘錢, 你都可以要架車既, 如果都係緊緊夠呢, 你就唔好要架車啦, 我覺得你係鐘意去旅行多過想要車既人, 除咗日本之外, 我相信你都想去其他地方既.
你都玩咗架車四個月啦, 你計吓架車用咗你幾多錢?
2007-05-31 12:20 am
唔去你乘公共汽車都ok la.你買車反而更貴
參考: me

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