
2007-05-31 12:02 am

3)如果我先生o係英國o個邊都叫做有d $下,會唔會有少少幫助呢?(因為我個妹係盜竊罪)
5)如果佢過左3年,根據<罪犯自身條例>,佢o係英國做野可唔可以唔申報案底,同埋會唔會唔 有人查得出佢o係hk ge紀錄呢?

回答 (3)

2007-05-31 12:17 pm
✔ 最佳答案
[Q5] First of all, I will answer the Q regarding rehabilitation. Under HK Laws. Chap 297 罪犯自身條例, if and when the conditions is acceptable towards rehabilitation, the criminal record will be sealed. However, it does not mean it's 'wiped out'.
根據《罪犯自身條例》,觸犯輕微罪行的人士,倘若被判處監禁少於三個月或罰款少於一萬元,三年後如有關人士沒有再犯法,其案底便不能再被提及,但不等同完全「洗底」,因為該人士不能申請「良民證」,若再犯法,有關案底也會被重提 http://tnews.cc/07/PoliceFJIcon1.asp?number=6824
[Q4] In terms of immigrating to Canada, then the Q becomes, how much did she stole? Under $5000, it is considered to be a summary conviction and over $5000 and it is considered indictable offence under Section 334 of the Criminal Code of Canada. Under Section 36(2c) of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act, anyone who committed an indictable offence inside or outside of Canada is inadmissible to Canada (ie. for Visiting or immigrating)
[Q1-3] In terms of UK, under Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974, a community serivce order is considered 'spent' (ie. ignored) after 5 years (or 2.5 years if it was done before reaching 18 yrs old). Once that time has elapsed, she should be able to pass the 'good character' requirement to naturalise as a British Citizen.
You will not be able to apply for her to go to UK as a 'family' unless she is dependent on you (ie. she can't independently take care of herself or work, etc). 'Family' only applys to children, partner/spouse, and parents/grandparents.
If she married a British Citizen, and the '5 year/2.5years' time above has passed, amongst other requirements listed in http://www.ind.homeoffice.gov.uk/applying/nationality/advice/bn7?view=Standard , she should be able to gain British Citizenship as a result.
2007-05-31 12:10 am
1. 未必可以,你要睇返o個個國家o既法律~我建議你去入境事務處個網睇下,,打電話問下好似好d~
2. 你就可以入藉,但你呀妹未必
3. 比人發現左會坐牢ga!!!而且比$$英國的領事館那些都冇咁易的~
4. 如果你有良民証就ok的了~(當然,要有唔知幾多$$的可流動資金先得~有d重要睇你學歷,重有你有冇$$買屋咁囉~可能重會睇下你是否專業人事)
5. 唔知~
參考: 老爸~
2007-05-31 12:09 am

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