買野ga 英文

2007-05-30 8:18 pm
我想買一支gel 啦,但係好貴!!

如果我大量購買呢支gel ,有冇其他優惠啊??現在仲有冇買二送一??

回答 (9)

2007-05-30 8:52 pm
✔ 最佳答案
如果我大量購買呢支gel ,有冇其他優惠啊??現在仲有冇買二送一??

If I buy this gel in bulk, is there a special discount rate? Do you still have that three for two special?

in bulk=大量, 可改做 in large quantities

three for two=買二送一, 亦可說 buy two get one free
2007-05-31 1:28 am
I would like to buy this kind of gel in great amount.
Is there any other special offer for me?
Do you still have the " buy two get one "special offer now?
2007-05-30 9:55 pm
If I buy this gel in large quantity, any discount offerred?? Still have the special offer of buying 2 get 1 free??
2007-05-30 9:31 pm
Is there any special discount for a bulk purchase (大量購買)?
Do you still offer “Buy two get one free”?
or Is the “Buy two get one free” offer still on?

2007-05-30 9:16 pm
Make it simple as follows:

Show the gel to the sales and ask: "I want to buy 5 (you specify your need) of this, can you give me a discount?"

Do you still have the "buy two get one free" offer?
2007-05-30 8:27 pm
can i get extra discount if i buy a lot? is it still buy two and free get one?
2007-05-30 8:26 pm
If I want to have a bulky purchase, any special offer for me? Can I buy two with one get free?
2007-05-30 8:23 pm
If I purchase this kind of goods massively, has other preferential benefits?? Now also has buys two delivers one??
2007-05-30 8:21 pm
If I'm buy so much, can I have [電視逛]

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