
2007-05-30 6:20 pm

回答 (3)

2007-05-30 6:38 pm
Wii是任天堂公司所推出的第五部家用遊戲主機,GameCube的後繼機種。主要特色為前所未見的控制器使用方法、懷舊遊戲主機軟體下載販賣及待機時網路連線等。Wii屬於第七世代家用遊戲機,同時期的競爭對手是微軟的Xbox 360及Sony的PlayStation 3。

Wii最與眾不同的特色是它的標準控制器「Wii Remote」。Wii Remote的外型為棒狀,就如同電視遙控器一樣,可單手操作。除了像一般遙控器可以用按鈕來控制,它還有兩項功能:指向定位及動作感應。前者就如同光線槍或滑鼠一般可以控制螢幕上的游標,後者可偵測三維空間當中的移動及旋轉,結合兩者可以達成所謂的「體感操作」。Wii Remote在遊戲軟體當中可以化為球棒、指揮棒、鼓棒、釣魚桿、方向盤、劍、槍、手術刀、鉗子……等工具,使用者可以揮動、甩動、砍劈、突刺、迴旋、射擊……等各種方式來使用。體感操作的概念在以往的遊戲中已經出現過,但它們通常需要專用的控制器;將體感操作列入標準配備,讓平臺上的所有遊戲都能使用指向定位及動作感應,則可說是Wii的創舉。

Wii開發時的代號為 「Revolution」(革命),故 Wii 本體和周邊製品型號的開頭均為「RVL」。任天堂於2006年4月27日在其官方網站 宣佈了正式名稱。

“ 『Wii』聽起來像是『we』(我們),發音亦相同,強調該主機老少咸宜、能讓一家大小都樂在其中的概念。名稱中的「ii」不僅象徵著其獨特設計的控制器,也代表人們聚在一起同樂的形象。 ”

製造商 任天堂
類型 電視遊戲機
世代 第七世代
首次發售 2006年11月19日
CPU IBM PowerPC G3 為基礎的[1] Broadway(開發代碼)
媒體 12 公分DVD
8 公分 GameCube 光碟片
USB 2.0
系統儲存媒體 內建512MB快閃記憶體、GameCube 記憶卡、SD 記憶卡
連線能力 Wi-Fi、USB、藍芽
線上服務 WiiConnect24
Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection
向下相容能力 GameCube
前任機種 GameCube
2007-05-30 6:30 pm
Wii is a game live xbox or ps2.

but it's control os different.

hope this may help you
2007-05-30 6:24 pm
The Wii (pronounced as the pronoun we, IPA: [wiː]) is the fifth home video game console released by Nintendo. The console is the direct successor to the Nintendo GameCube. Nintendo states that its console targets a broader demographic than that of Microsoft's Xbox 360 and Sony's PlayStation 3,[3] but it competes with both as part of the seventh generation of gaming systems.
A distinguishing feature of the console is its wireless controller, the Wii Remote, which can be used as a handheld pointing device and can detect motion and rotation in three dimensions. Another is WiiConnect24, which enables it to receive messages and updates over the Internet while in standby mode.[4]
Nintendo first mentioned the console at the 2004 E3 press conference and later unveiled the system at the 2005 E3. Satoru Iwata revealed a prototype of the controller at the September 2005 Tokyo Game Show.[5] In the 2006 E3, the console won the first of several awards.[6] By December 8, 2006, it completed its launch in four key markets.
The Wii (pronounced as the pronoun we, IPA: [wiː]) is the fifth home video game console released by Nintendo. The console is the direct successor to the Nintendo GameCube. Nintendo states that its console targets a broader demographic than that of Microsoft's Xbox 360 and Sony's PlayStation 3,[3] but it competes with both as part of the seventh generation of gaming systems.
A distinguishing feature of the console is its wireless controller, the Wii Remote, which can be used as a handheld pointing device and can detect motion and rotation in three dimensions. Another is WiiConnect24, which enables it to receive messages and updates over the Internet while in standby mode.[4]
Nintendo first mentioned the console at the 2004 E3 press conference and later unveiled the system at the 2005 E3. Satoru Iwata revealed a prototype of the controller at the September 2005 Tokyo Game Show.[5] In the 2006 E3, the console won the first of several awards.[6] By December 8, 2006, it completed its launch in four key markets.
for more details, pls click

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