
2007-05-30 6:01 pm

回答 (2)

2007-05-30 7:28 pm
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Per bag levy
This site, and the BagsNOT campaign have a very specific purpose: to bring about a per-bag government levy on each plastic shopping bag given out at supermarkets and grocery stores in New Zealand.
The campaign focuses solely on the REDUCE part of "reduce, reuse, recycle" - this is the most potent of the three ways to attack our waste issue and the most often overlooked.
Waste plastic bags have an undeniably negative effect on our environment. The BagsNOT campaign focuses on the solution rather than the problem. However if you wish to find out about the direct effects of plastic bags on marine life, the litter issue, and how petroleum products fuel climate change please check out the FAQ section.
Plastic shopping bags are an easily combatable problem. Ireland introduced a shopping bag levy in March 2002 - since then their usage of plastic bags has dropped over 90%.
If Ireland can do it - so can we.

A pragmatic approach to environmental issues
Promotional campaigns encouraging voluntary reductions have proven to be largely ineffective.

It has been shown internationally that a small monetary disincentive is enough to change the habits of a nation. Introducing a 30 cent levy on each plastic bag given out at supermarkets and grocery stores will make a difference.
There has been a lot of talk recently about living up to our clean and green image and becoming a less environmentally damaging nation. Now is the time for action.
Successful action on the shopping bag issue has the potential to inspire the nation to take a fresh look at the issue of waste and packaging, and will establish a can do attitude towards solving environmental problems. It is this kind of pragmatic approach to specific issues which we need to use to tackle the roots of global warming.

Individual Responsibility
You can make a difference - so why don't you? We all have a responsibility to protect our environment.
Join the campaign to introduce a per-bag tax: Email your local MP, talk to your friends. Make use of your contacts. Find out what your favoured political parties are planning to do about the plastic bag issue - encourage them to sign up to a per-bag levy.
Do not be afraid that you cannot make an impact. You live in a democracy. Your involvement will shape policy.
參考: 個人知識+維基百科
2007-05-30 9:01 pm
台灣是 一個塑膠帶收二塊以上 的費用
是向消費者 收取的
是的 但是 並不建議這樣做 因為這樣就失去 意義了
消費者自費 購買

或許 有的人會花點小錢 購買膠帶
但比之前 只要要 就給
確實 會減少 使用 塑膠帶......

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