my grammer

2007-05-30 11:24 am
please correct grammer

in my opinion ,i agree with my school rule of "student with poor grade couldn't be able to join the school sport team'' because it a conquences for the people who had a bad grade at school.

回答 (2)

2007-05-30 11:39 am
✔ 最佳答案

in my opinion, I agree with my school rules of "students with poor grades shouldn't be allow to join the school's sports team", because it will effect those who had bad grades in school.
參考: me
2007-05-30 1:27 pm
In my opinion, I agree with my school rules THAT student with poor grading couldn't (是否用SHOULDN'T比較好?) be ACCEPTED to join (or joining) the school SPORTS team, AS a CONSEQUENCE (用punishment比較好) of who are HAVING bad grading.
** not necessary to mention (at school) at the end of sentence, as it seems excessive.
** if u would choice to use "had" in response to the bad grade, the regulation should be adapt for WHO ARE CURRENTLY HAVING bad grading.
In my opinion, I agree with my school rules THAT student with poor grading WHO couldn't (是否用SHOULDN'T比較好?) be ACCEPTED to join (or joining) the school SPORTS team, AS an ENCOURAGEMENT TO CARRY OUT THE IMPORTANCE OF LEARNING IMPROVEMENT.
In my opinion, I agree with my school rules THAT student with poor grading WHO couldn't (是否用SHOULDN'T比較好?) be ACCEPTED to join (or joining) the school SPORTS team, IN ORDER TO CARRY OUT AN UPBRINGING FOR LEARNING IMPROVEMENT.
In my opinion, I agree with my school rules THAT student with poor grading WHO couldn't (是否用SHOULDN'T比較好?) be ACCEPTED to join the school SPORTS team UPBRINGING FOR LEARNING IMPROVEMENT.

2007-05-30 05:28:41 補充:
參考: my knowledge (我啲英文算唔錯)

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