想用英文回覆e-mail (請幫手) (urgent)

2007-05-30 8:26 am
今日我新入職,公司的 IT 同事send 咗兩個software 的id 同password 俾我,之後我的上司SEND 了一封e-mail給我,佢說please confirm after checking. 咁我應該點用英文回覆此e-mail給我上司??? 我想答: 我試過了 ,id 同 password 都問題,唔該哂之頪... 可以教我點樣回覆先夠好同大方。

回答 (6)

2007-05-30 6:25 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Dear XXX,

This is to confirm that my ID and password work fine in both applications.

OR: I am writing to confirm that...

2007-06-02 2:35 am
Thanks for your message . It is very helpful . Following your instructions, everything goes well .
Best regards .
2007-05-30 8:45 am

"Thank you for your e-mail message. I write to inform you that both the ID and Password supplied to me are confirmed.

Thank you for your consideration."
參考: 我
2007-05-30 8:40 am

Dear XXX

Have tried the ID & password, confirm it is workable. Thanks!

Best regards
參考: 有8年工作經驗的我
2007-05-30 8:37 am
Dear XX,

The ID and passwords have been checked and no problem is noted. Please let me know should any follow-up is required.


Best regards,
2007-05-30 8:34 am
Thank you for sending me the id. and the password of the softwares. I am writing to confirm the id. and password you've sent. I've checked and all of them work properly.

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