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Oligopoly is not a type of business ownership~~~
I think it is a partnership.
Because wellcome supermarket is an very big company so it may join by some boss.
It may be wrong^^~
I don't the inside structure of wellcome supermarket
2007-05-30 10:19:35 補充:
我想講,根本就關咩oligopoly事~oligopoly係types of market structure.le proprietorship , partnership , private.Ltd. Company 同埋 public Ltd. Company呢d先係types of ownership.問題係問緊type of business ownership !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2007-05-30 10:25:34 補充:
20個人未必唔夠錢既....好似百佳咁,我成日都話佢係李嘉誠既,咁夠竟係咪只得李嘉誠一個人有股份呢????就算係冇,佢係全球最有錢既人之一,完全有能理買起成間公司,但我相信佢唔會,因為有diseconomic of scale係到