
2007-05-30 5:46 am

回答 (3)

2007-05-30 8:28 am
✔ 最佳答案
以一個成人黎講, 中提琴既size 應該通常係用around
15吋- 16.5吋 的琴

15吋其實比full size 既小提琴大少少, 以初學者黎講會比較易拉
但其實一個成人(girl) 係可以用到16 吋既中提琴.
如果(boy)有d 手比較長和大的, 16.5吋 都冇問題!
2007-06-03 10:30 am
There is no standard size, but for professional standard, it had better be 16.5"(419mm), some also have 16"(406mm).
I am 1.9m tall and I play a 16.5", I have a 17" also but I won't play it, for the matter of timbre.
If I were you, a 16.5", can't cope with it? a 16", still can't? then must be a 15.5", or you may learn violin instead.
Some researches state that a 16.25" is the best but there is no such cases, so consider yourself.
參考: I play strings instruments.
2007-05-30 7:47 am

逄係 = or>160cm 既都用4/4


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