university in uk

2007-05-30 5:29 am
i want to ask:
Which university (Sheffield / Newcastle / York) is better if i study English? How's the study environment? Which place has more Chinese?


回答 (2)

2007-05-30 5:48 am
✔ 最佳答案
University of Sheffield

Nobel Prizes
The University's Faculty of Pure Science may boast an association with four Nobel Prizes, one for the Department of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology:

(1953 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine, Prof. Hans Adolf Krebs, "for the discovery of the citric acid cycle in cellular respiration")
As well as three to its world-renowned Department of Chemistry:

(1967 Nobel Prize in Chemistry (joint award), Prof. George Porter (later Lord Porter), "for their work on extremely fast chemical reactions" (see Flash photolysis)
1993 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine (joint award), Richard J. Roberts, "for the discovery that genes in eukaryotes are not contiguous strings but contain introns, and that the splicing of messenger RNA to delete those introns can occur in different ways, yielding different proteins from the same DNA sequence"
1996 Nobel Prize in Chemistry (joint award), Sir Harry Kroto, "for their discovery of fullerenes").
With another nobel laureate, Howard Florey, Sheffield shares some glory. Howard Florey was the Joseph Hunter Professor of Pathology at Sheffield from 1932 until his move to Oxford in 1935. In 1945 Florey and his colleague Ernst Chain, together with Alexander Fleming were awarded the Nobel Prize in Medicine for their work on penicillin.
參考: Wikipedia
2007-05-30 1:36 pm
讀english, 2007年3間大學既英文科排位 (,,13410,00.html):

york rank 5
newcastle rank 10
sheffield rank 14

至於大學既overall 排名(,,102571,00.html):
york 15
sheffield 24
newcastle 25

如果關於讀書排名, 單看ranking就會係york好d.
至於讀書environment, 我自己在newcastle, 亦去過york及sheffield, 可以跟你分享下個感受:

一個很寧靜既town. 有基本既high street stores及restaurants. 亦有不同的古蹟及castle可供參觀. york既uni離市中心比較遠, 要搭巴士返去學校, 所以你如果選擇york就應該多數會留係uni入邊, weekend才會出town. 有很多visitors. 係一個幾舒服既town. 不太多chinese, 因為chinese比較喜歡熱鬧既地方.

一個比較繁榮既town. 因為它在south yorkshire, 比較近midlands, 所以會出town去其他cities既機會都較多. sheffield是一個工業city, 你會見到好多煙囪之類既"工廠". sheffield既大學不在市中心, 需乘"電車"返去. 整個城市是上山落山型, 所以如果你每天返學行路的話, 都會幾"吃力". 由於是一個工業city, 可能跟你讀english會有點不太夾. chinese人數方面, 尚算ok. 個city會比較多中東/印巴籍人士.

一個很友善的city. 因為位於東北, 所以白人人數較多. city有齊日常想購物的店. 亦有china town (sheffield及york沒有). 讀書環境幾好, 治安都唔錯. 大學位於city centre, 只需步行5分鐘就可以去到high street. 如果你喜歡去clubbings, 這裏亦有稱為party city. 不過你可以放心, 如果你不喜好去clubbings的, 都不會被迫去, 反正都是自願. chinese人數方面, 因為newcastle有兩間uni (另一間是 northumbria), 由於northumbria有跟香港poly及city做top up programme (for hd/asso), 所以chinese人數看似會比另外兩個地方既多. 不過newcastle uni內就比較少chinese.

始終我係newcastle讀書, 我一定bias於這裏. 不過你可以再做下選擇既. 因為york既uni排名係高, 但在香港既知名程度就無另外兩間咁高 (原因大概兩個: 1) 英國既大學知名度是由他們city內的足球隊而成, york無出名既球隊, 所以香港人亦會少聽聞那個地方. 2) 加拿大亦有york, 很多時employer會誤會兩個york是同一個地方, 咁你就會被比下去.) 所以, 你可以再考慮下.

希望答到你既問題 ^^

2007-06-08 01:44:51 補充:
這些info只不過係wikipedia既資料, 根本無答你邊個choice on選擇english course
參考: 自己

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