
2007-05-30 3:53 am

一般來說中華白海豚的生活是要配合潮水及日照的時間, 牠們會在潮漲的時候出外捕食;例如到淺水或多岩石處, 我們便可以在黎明或黃昏時看白海豚,因為那段時間牠們是最活躍的。

最主要只是想知 地方的英文是什麼

回答 (2)

2007-05-30 10:21 pm
✔ 最佳答案
地名: (以下是香港政府文件用語, 大部份只是粵語音譯, 少部份不是, 有的是舊英文名和譯音共用)
屯門--Tuen Mun; 大嶼山---Lantau Island;
沙洲---Sha Chau; 龍鼓洲-----Lung Kwu Chau;
望后石---Pillar Point / Mong Hau Shek; 爛角咀---Black Point / Lan Kok Tsui
大磨刀---West Brother / Tai Mo To ; 小磨刀-- East Brother / Siu Mo To
赤鱲角---Chek Lap Kok;
赤鱲角機場---Hong Kong International Airport
SEE: http://www.cedd.gov.hk/eng/about/organisation/table/glossaryofplace.pdf
In the waters off Tuen Mun and Lantau Island, that includes the waters to the northeast of Hong Kong international airport and were islands and headlands such as Sha Chau, Lung Kwu Chau, Pillar Point, Black point, East Brother, and West Brother are located
(原文裡, 這句說話好像沒有動詞, 所以英文也沒有動詞, 不是一句句子, 只有 "the waters" 一個名詞和連串對它的述語)
Generally speaking, tides and sunshine have great influnece on the living pattern of the White Chinese Dolphin, which would set out to look for food during high tides. At dawn and dusk, the time in the day when the White Chinese Dolphins are most active, we may spot the animal in shallow water or by rocky coasts.

2007-05-30 3:58 am
Tunmen and Dayu Mountain bring water areas to produce, including shoal and dragon drum continent, stone after hoping, rotten horn chew, size whet a knife and not red? Wait for the water areas the Northeast of angle airport.

Generally speaking the life of the white dolphin of China is the time to cooperate with the tidewater and sunshine, they will pray on when the tide rises; For example reached the shallow water or the rocky place, we can see the white dolphin at the dawn or dusk, because they are the most active in that period of time.

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