你今個星期一得閒嗎? 英文應該點講?.? 麻煩大家

2007-05-30 3:41 am

回答 (8)

2007-05-30 4:00 am
✔ 最佳答案
are you free on Monday?
do you have time on Monday?
do you get the time on Monday?
do you get free on Monday?
i want to know whether you are free or not on Monday.
would you spare me on Monday?
2007-05-30 7:53 pm

1. Will you be free this Monday?
2. Do you have time this Monday?
3. Can you spare sometime this Monday for meeting?
參考: SELF
2007-05-30 7:02 am
Are this Monday are you free? /
Do you have free time on this Monday? /
Do you have more time on this Monday

I think i can help you!!!!!
2007-05-30 4:15 am
1. Are you free on Monday?
2. Are you availabe on Monday?
3. Do you have time on Monday?
4. I would like to check your availability on Monday.
2007-05-30 3:50 am
Do you have time on this monday?

Are you have time on this monday?
參考: no
2007-05-30 3:47 am
1. This week you are free??

2.You are free this week??
參考: ^_^
2007-05-30 3:46 am
Are you free in Monday?
參考: me
2007-05-30 3:45 am
Are you free on this Monday?
參考: me

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