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He goes to swims at 3pm.
現在式第三身單數,第一個(去一個地方)係動詞,s 加o係 go 度,第二個唔係叫做動詞,而係 to infinitive,必須跟住 to。只有can / could / will / would / shall / should / may / might / must 呢d modal verbs後先會跟動詞而冇 to o係中間。
然後呢,唔好睇 I were swimming 住,睇 I am swimming 先。am swimming / is swimming / are swimming 加埋先係一個 tense(present continuous)。係唔係?咁 I were swimming 裏面,were swimming 亦係加埋先係一個 tense(past continuous)。有D tenses 係要多個一個字先表達到時態(如 present perfect:have/has+past participle,past perfect:had+past participle等)。
至於 So some of our target market was overlapped,其實你有學過 passive voice?你呢句就係,但凡句子be (=is/am/are/was/were/been)+past participle,都係passive voice(在此且不深究)。
例如:The cake was eaten by me.
意思係「件蛋糕俾係我食左」,但咁係乜野tense?其實只係 simple past tense,因為用active voice寫返原句,係:
I ate the cake.
將句字中 main verb(話你知做左d乜o個個verb)變成 past participle 只係 passive voice o既句式,主/被動講緊同一件事,tense點會唔同?
返去你o個句:So some of our target market was overlapped,其實講tense o既只係 was,即 simple past。但呢句其實有d錯,因為根本應該用 active voice 去寫(Some of our target marketS overlapped. 有d目標市場重覆左。邊個令佢地重覆?睇唔到,冇資料。除非係人為引致呢個情況,否則如此寫法即可)。但係呢度旨在話你知呢個句式係passive voice,與tense冇關。