All alkanols react with K2Cr2O7?

2007-05-30 3:12 am
All alkanols react with K2Cr2O7?
how matter how many C?
how matter which position of -OH?

回答 (2)

2007-05-31 1:34 am
✔ 最佳答案
All alkanols react with K2Cr2O7? The answer is no. First, you must know that oxidation either means the increase in oxidation number or means the removal of hydrogen atom. Only primary (1o) with the structure RCH2OH(可以有三個H atom 被移除,你自己繪出來,然後移走其中兩個H atoms 即可) and secondary(2o) alkanol with the structure R2CHOH(可以有二個H atom 被移除) react with K2Cr2O7. For the tertiary alkanol(3o)with the structure R3COH(只有一個H atom 被移除 )due to lack of H atom attached to carbon atom to be removed during oxidation, it is impossible for K2Cr2O7to oxidize.
RCH2OH oxidized to give RCOH (aldehyde) while R2CHOH oxidized to give R2C=O (ketone) .
how matter how many C? see above explanation
how matter which position of -OH? see above explanation
I hope you will find my answer helpful.
2007-05-31 2:34 pm
No.3 degree alcohol has a very high energy C-Cbond that it has no reaction with K2CrO7.
參考: AL Organic Chemistry by C.C. Lee

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