
2007-05-30 2:53 am
no feel happy while miss Japan won tim.....Japanese girls are so popular in my college in Canada.....almost all guys from different countries like them....even local, all asian...(even indonesian, malaysian.) and Mexican....in the same time, those japanese girl are quite open and friendly to the guys from other countries..oppositely, not one exciting about HK girls...............

h, well......don't knw how to explain .....why......why they popULAr...because they pretty,sexy then HK girls?....or because AV effect?....


so angry that I also extremely like japanese girl either, that make me feel bad.....


miss Pooh Le Amor, u were completely thinking in the wrong way, you are too sensitive about other person's opinion, and be polite when u misunderstand and not sure what others want to share their feeling here,please.


Dear shinoeri711, you are so nice, u entirely understand and try to felt what I consider, what I want to share through the message, . But I would like to say that I'm male...^^"


why I have strong feeling to post this message,even I'm male. it is because I strongly feel the HK fashion or you can say street or teens culture already less of competition. f


ew years ago, people from asian listen HK pop specially mainland, Indonesian, malaysian, Thailand etc...but today, they trends to Japan, even Korean...

回答 (2)

2007-05-30 11:19 pm
✔ 最佳答案
就今次環球小姐唻睇, 我都好出奇, 因為依個冠軍好醜樣, 上屆第2名(都係日本人)會正好多.
可能都係運氣問題啦, 同埋依家已經唔興d金髮藍眼珠美女架喇, 黑頭髮黑眼珠hit好多.

講返你學校, 個個都係返緊學, 小朋友, 男仔識女仔都係玩下玩下既姐, 10個8個都唔會係認真, 都係諗住果樣野架姐, 由其外國添.

你都講得岩既, av可能都係其中一個原因, 因為大家都認為日本女仔係溫柔d, 同埋果方面大膽d, 技術又好D啦. 而且日本女仔禮貌又係好d既, 所以比人地覺得會nice d囉.

我諗d外國人唔係唔鍾意hk女仔....不過如果有日本既, 就日本可能好d, 你知啦, 都有外國人唔鍾意中國依個地方架嘛, d人認為hk人就等於中國人, 所以少少種族歧視都有. 雖然我自己都係hk女仔, 不過依家嫁左去日本, 我覺得hk人確實係囂d, 唔知點解有種無名既pride. 哈哈! 可能出生於hk, 有種卓越掛......

或者你輕鬆d睇依件事, 並不係人種問題, 而係個人問題, 如果你都可以咁nice, 咁friendly, upgrade下, 再打扮下自己, 自信d, 我諗好多人都會另眼相看.
2007-05-30 9:31 am

參考: 吹水不是求分數

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