geometric series??

2007-05-30 2:18 am
(a)Given two series S1 and S2:
where S1 is a geometric series of n terms with a being the first term and r being the common ratio.
(i)Is S2 a geometric series ?
(ii)Show that if the sum of S1 is Z,then the sum of S2 is {a(1+r^n)/1+r}*Z.
(b)If the sum of the first 10 terms of the geometric series 3069,find
(i)the value of x;
(ii)the sum of the first 10 terms of the series

回答 (1)

2007-05-30 2:42 am
✔ 最佳答案
Simply set a=x, r=2, then:
S1 is x+2x+4x+..... which is the geometric series of (b).
S2 is x^2+(2x)^2+(4x)^2+...... which is the geometric series of (b)(ii).

Therefore, the answer is:
where a=x=3, r=2, n=10, Z=3069

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