
2007-05-30 12:53 am
"無聲擴議" 轉英文唔該


回答 (4)

2007-05-30 2:56 am
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“無聲擴(抗)議” 的英文:silent protest.
After clashing with the police the night before, demonstrators staged a silent protest outside the police station to demand the release of those detained (經過早一晚與警方衝突後, 示威人士在警署門外進行無聲抗議, 要求釋放被扣留者) (這句子是傳媒同類佈導中的常用語)。
The little boy refused to eat and talk in silent protest against his mother's decision to cancel the trip to Disneyland (小孩拒絕進食和交談, 對母親取消往迪士尼的決定作無聲抗議)。

2007-05-29 19:21:20 補充:
經常跟 ‘silent protest’ 一起運用的字詞包括 'stage'、 'in'、 'as' 和 'against' 等:stage a silent protest (見例句)、in silent protest against (見例句)、as a silent protest against。Stage 是 ‘舉行’、‘發起’ 的意思, 經常和 protest (示威)、rally (集會) 及 strike (罷工) 連用。
2007-05-30 2:34 am

it should be a silent protest.
1. The employees made a silent protest against unfair treatments.
2. The workers refused to work overtime in a silent protest.
2007-05-30 1:06 am
無聲擴議 silent expands

1.The colleauge Silent expands to the company .

2.She silents expands discusses with the score.
2007-05-30 1:00 am
Silent expands discusses

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