UE 各section 內容係?

2007-05-29 8:32 am
我係f.5,想知道ue 大概各section/paper 內容....

回答 (2)

2007-05-30 5:12 am
✔ 最佳答案
section A 18%-listening
section B 18%-writing(composition)
section C 18%-language system
section D 18%-oral
section E 28%-practical skills
參考: me
2007-05-29 8:43 am
This syllabus aims to foster the development of students’ English language skills in order to equip them for tertiary education and/or employment.
The examination will test the ability of candidates to understand and use English as might be required in tertiary education and/or future employment. It will test the ability of candidates to:
(i) understand and interpret spoken English as it might be encountered in academic or vocational situations;
(ii) write clear, concise and grammatical English in an appropriate style;
(iii) demonstrate both global and detailed understanding of a variety of written texts;
(iv) understand and use spoken English for practical communication;
(v) integrate reading, writing and study skills in the pursuance of task-based/problem–solving activities.
The examination consists of five sections, all of which must be attempted.
(i) Four proficiency sections (A – D) which focus on a range of productive and receptive skills.
Weighting 72%
(ii) A section (E) which concentrates on work and study skills.
Weighting 28%
(i) Proficiency Sections (A – D)
These four sections test the level of English language proficiency of the candidates. Formal knowledge about language is not tested nor is correctness for its own sake.
Section A – Listening: tests the ability of candidates to understand, organise and interpret spoken English as used by educated and fluent speakers of English as an international language: i.e. the language spoken will be semi-formal rather than informal, and will not test such colloquialisms as various groups of native speakers might use in informal conversation amongst
themselves. The content will be appropriate to study and work purposes. The form of presentation may include dialogue as well as monologue.
Test items will be marked objectively. Candidates may, for example, be asked to complete matrices, graphs and sets of notes or headings, etc., identify pictures and deal with items in a multiple–choice format.
Examining time for Section A 1 hour; weighting 18%
Section B – Writing: tests the ability of candidates to write extended English discourse. Topics will be selected to encourage expository writing, e.g. persuasion, argument, reporting, development of hypotheses, organising of information, etc., rather than narrative or purely descriptive writing.
In marking, attention will be paid both to language accuracy and to the organisation and coherence of the argument presented. It should be noted that any memorised material incorporated in an essay, whether relevant or irrelevant, will be discounted in the marking of the essay.
Candidates will be required to write a minimum of five hundred words on a single topic in 1¼ hours and will have at least three topics to choose from.
Examining time for Section B 1¼ hours; weighting 18%
Section C
(1) Reading: tests the ability of candidates to achieve an ‘in depth’ understanding of an expository text. Candidates will not be asked to locate mere factual details, but to identify central ideas, the purposes and assumptions of the writer as revealed in the text, and to differentiate between what is more or less important and more or less relevant in terms of those purposes. Candidates will also be tested on their ability, for example, to recognise the limiting effects of qualifications and exceptions, to relate cause to effect and evidence to conclusions. Where questions focus on particular words or phrases, their interpretation will depend upon the context of the passage.
All items will be in a multiple–choice format.
Examining time for Section C(1) 20 minutes; weighting 6%
(2) Language Systems: tests the extent to which the systems of the English language have been internalised by the candidates:
– the lexicon,
– the morphology,
– the syntactic relationships within and among phrases and clauses, and

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