i want 2 bcome a chemical engineer 4 the military. cud sum1 tell me my options?

2007-05-29 6:01 am
i wud like 2 b sum sort of officer and wud want 2 c sum action while duin my job. i wud like 2 go 2 college 4 engineerin as well as learnin how 2 b a soldier. i wudnt mind fitin 4 a few years and thn afterwards becomin a civilian, but i do want 2 maintain sum sort of hi rank. so i was wonderin how i cud go about college, becomin an officer and cin sum action on the field, and thn retirin from fitin and continue workin as a civilian
also i will b an eagle scout, i dont no if tht means nethin, but ive heard they started with a hier pay?
ty u in advance 4 ne info u can giv me

回答 (3)

2007-05-29 6:09 am
✔ 最佳答案
With your spelling, you're not going to score high enough on your ASVAB for the jobs you want. Honestly, I'm not trying to be a prick here... go take a few remedial English courses and learn to spell.
2007-05-29 1:07 pm

Go back to school while you can.
2007-05-29 8:15 pm
youalready asked this once before, and I will give you the same answer again:

LOSE THE NETSPEAK. how you communciate is at least as important as any other skills you bring to the table. taking shortcuts like that only makes you appear lazy and unmotivated, something they do NOT look for in Officers.

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