i am a us citizen. what happens if i marry someone who's been deported. can he get a green card?

2007-05-29 5:21 am

回答 (11)

2007-05-29 5:26 am
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Yes, since he is your spouse. But you may have to jump through some more hoops than that. Also it depends on why he was deported. If it was more of a non-violent offense like expired visa or something than it shouldn't be a problem if it was for drug smuggling or murder it may be. Usually this is not a matter since spouses of US Citizens pretty much get an automatic green card.
2007-05-29 5:35 am
If you married the person BEFORE he/she was deported, then he/she will be able to get a greencard.

If you married the person AFTER he/she was deported, then there is a chance that he/she won't get a greencard. It depends on the reason(s) of his/her deportation.
2007-05-29 5:28 am
He can if he complied with the deportation and returned to his own country.But it will be a much harder process since he was deported.It's a whole lot of things that I can't put down in a few mintutes here but I think you get the general idea.
2007-05-29 5:35 am
Deportation carries a ban of up to 10 years from returning to the United States. Your marriage will not shorten that ban.
2007-05-29 5:28 am
Depends on what they were deported for and it will be difficult even in the best of circumstances and could take years.
2007-05-29 5:25 am
yes, I think so because spouses of american citizens can become U.S. citizens as well.
參考: Happened in my extended family.
2016-05-20 4:04 pm
you need to officially seperate from her before she applies to remove the conditions - that way she will not get a permanent gren card. however you are still responsible for supporting her while she is in USA for however long the spousal sponsorship is requires. I dont think its is 10 years for the spouse. Custody is a whole seperate issue and that will NOT be automatic - you have to go through the courts for custody and a divorce - and you will probably need a lawyer.
2007-05-29 4:14 pm
Yes. Under certain circumstances, the INS may confiscate the green card and deport the alien, who may be banned permanently from the U.S. or who may have to wait at least five years before applying for another green card or nonimmigrant visa.

An alien can forfeit a green card in the following ways:

* By engaging in activities that are grounds for deportation. These include convictions for many felonies, terrorist activities, drug abuse, firearms violations, and smuggling aliens.
* By falling under one of the other grounds for exclusion when returning to the U.S. after a trip abroad.
* By becoming a public charge.
* By engaging in marriage fraud.
* More typically, by staying abroad too long -- usually more than a year. The INS assumes that such a person has abandoned permanent residency in the U.S.
2007-05-29 5:43 am
He will get a green card certainly, but after all the right procedures at the embassy. The authorities have to be convinced.
2007-05-29 5:42 am
Going through the same thing - you can email me....

yes it does shorten that ban - the ban states that they cannot re-enter the country the SAME way they came in the time they got deported for. They CAN however re-enter as a spouse when a visa is available. Two different scenarios. I have been through many attorneys and have spoken with our local ICE office. Along with USCIS.

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