puppy farming, what can i do charity work etc??? in uk?

2007-05-28 2:12 pm
i really want to do something to help i have a dog and when i was walking her there was another dog in the park and had been kept in a puppy farm till she was 7 in a tiny cage just having to keep produceing puppies she could hardly walk, and it made me really sad, i just wondered what there is out there to do to help??

p.s the dog from the park was rescued she is happy now but it is what got me thinking xx

回答 (12)

2007-05-28 2:18 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Help to educate people about where "the doggy in the window" comes from in petstores. Almost all petstore dogs are from puppy mills like the one you described. Every one that is bought gets replaced by another - no one buys them, the demand stops and they stop doing it. You can also volunteer with your local rescue (I'm sure you'll find a few if you look). They always need people to help drive dogs where they need to go, take dogs to the vet, do homechecks on people interested in adopting, take pictures of dogs, foster a dog in your home etc etc! So much you can do to help! Thanks for being a kind soul!
2007-05-28 2:21 pm
How do you know this dog in the park is from a puppy mill? If you have proof then I suggest reporting it to your local SPCA or Humane Society so they can investigate. That's the only way these mills get shut down.
2017-01-20 12:22 pm
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2016-10-09 11:54 am
We as quickly as offered a cavalier king Charles spaniel domestic dog from a domestic dog farm. It grow to be an undesirable place and fairly of strolling away and reporting them we ended up figuring out to purchase one (because of the fact she grow to be the final one left and she or he regarded ill! We purely had to rescue her). We paid £500 for her and we took her at recent to the vets. She had kennel cough extremely undesirable and the vet wasn't particular she might make it. We nursed her back to wellbeing yet interior days she had to pass back to the vet with a foul case of mange. She is nice now yet we are often informed that she isn't an entire pedigree (inspite of her pedigree papers telling us in any different case). we've learnt a huge lesson and now understand what to look out for. we are hoping to purchase a Yorkshire terrier quickly and is not finding interior the paper or on the internet for a "respected breeder". we are in seek of advice from the Kennel club, might take an prolonged time waiting for a muddle even yet it is going to likely be properly worth it interior the tip. xx
2007-05-28 4:58 pm
Loretta Bastin of Dobe Farm Kennels - a puppy trader who over the years has invited an endless stream of complaints.

thats one puppy farm to start with.
Educate people a lot of organizations would love you help in trying to stop this cruel act.

Ireland.... In Ireland there are hundreds of puppy farms & all the time they are trying to close them down but still they are no further on.
RSPCA officer Alastair Keen has recently raided such farms.
Get in contact with trading standards they might have some info on these puppy farms & might beable to point you in the right direction.
Landmark case
Ms Bastin leaving court
Ms Bastin refused to answer any questions posed by Inside Out

After various investigations, Trading Standards succeeded in taking Ms Bastin to court in July 2004.

In a Landmark case, she was banned from selling substandard goods and faces a prison sentence if she breaks her court order, but the courts were powerless to revoke her pet-shop license.

Keepers Cottage Stud near Farnham this is another puppy farm they are all over the net saying what they have done what they are doing to prevent it.
Do you know it is the council who give them permission & a licence to do this!

the above sites have a lot of info maybe you could contact one of those. Also dogs trust might have some info for you to help fight for this.
It is good to see that you care enough to try & help this awful thing that they do
2007-05-28 2:53 pm
Education is key to preventing people buying puppy farm dogs..unfortunately a lot are sold on pet web sites advertised by "reputable breeders" who obviously aren't.If a dog cannot be seen with its parents that's the first warning sign and my personal opinion is that if the dogs are not living in the home as part of the family then the main motivation is money not love of the breed so any dog kept in kennels is also a warning sign.Why don't you contact you local animal Charity's and ask how you can help.In the mean time why not post a note on some of these sites warning people of the issue and what to look out for.
2007-05-28 2:40 pm
Contact the rspca their national no is in the yellow pages and tell them what you want to do with regards puppy farming tell them your story and why you have become interested they are the best people out who can advise you properly they will know all the legalities involved and the safest way for you to approach this new venture. I admire you i abohr the thought of puppy farming i think it is cruel and barbarrick i wish it could be banned.
2007-05-28 2:39 pm
volunteer at the kennel,help them raise funds for helping these doggies.or write 2 the government to have laws made to ban puppy mills.
2007-05-28 2:23 pm
Puppy farming is illegal in the UK, but as long as theres a demand for the pups people will keep doing it. They distribute the pups in various ways, and the people who buy them to sell them on know where they come from so they're just as guilty as the breeders. If you've ever seen pups for sale and the advert says 'hand reared because they were orphaned', be suspicious. Thats the most common excuse used by the middle men to explain why you can't see the pups with their mum.
The best thing you can do is fundraise for the RSPCA. They have to police and prosecute but don't get any govt funding.
2007-05-28 2:20 pm
im not sure myself but alot of puppy farming is way up north and in Wales! so unless u live there there isnt alot u cna do! however reporting of any abose suspected of any animal to the RSPCA or ur local charity is helping other animals! maybe contact newpspaers, bbc, and google search on supporting the prevention of puppy farming!!!

P.s. ur local rescure shelter will always needs volunteers to help walk and trian the animals there and to teahc tehm to trust ppl maybe you could help there to! i used to help out at one of those and it was really rewarding but now i work too much!

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