You may also consider this :
ln the morning: to subway station 안국 安國 →昌德宮 → 仁寺洞 →
in the afternoon: to subway station 혜화 惠化 →昌慶宮 (→宗廟 →鐘路) (or →大學路)
They are all in one area though l think you better take the subway to 昌慶宮 to save time.
In the morning, you may do shopping in first and go to 昌德宮 before 11am for the Putonghua guided tour (中文解說在11:00). There are other guided tours in other languages e.g. English, Japanese and Korean. You can only go there on a guided tour except on Thursday which you have to pay much more entrance fee. The tour will take about 1 hr 15 mins.
Then you may shop in 仁寺洞 and have lunch there. There are lots of tea houses and restaurants serving traditional food.
After your lunch, take the subway to station 혜화 惠化, also call the university road 大學路. Make sure you arrive 昌慶宮 before the tea ceremoony (if it is on Saturday). You may walk from the back door of 昌慶宮 to 宗廟. They are connected. The exit of is in 鐘路, there are lots of dining places there.
Or you may skip 宗廟 and go back to 大學路 after visiting 昌慶宮. There are lots of restaurants in 大學路 and you may have dinner there.
More detailed description of these places can be found here:
ChangDeokGung 昌德宮 (首爾世界文化遺產)
InSaDong 仁寺洞 (傳統購物街區)
若昌德宮、景福宮等宮闕是王族生活居住的地方; 那麼仁寺洞就是輔佐王族的貴族管理人士活動的領域。在朝鮮滅亡後,為了兜售末落兩斑(貴族們)所釋出的物品,因此古董品店此起彼落成立,而後興起畫廊展示並銷售藝術品,漸漸形成現在所看到的傳統藝術街。
ChangKyeongGung 昌慶宮
(傳統茶禮免費體驗, 「昌慶宮宮中婚禮」試演, 宮中筵席再現活動)
首爾市鍾路區的昌慶宮與昌德宮一起都是李氏王朝的別宮。1418年世宗(1397-1450)登上王位後,爲了奉養退位的太宗 (1367-1422)而建造了壽康宮,這便是昌慶宮的稚形。昌景宮在日帝强占時期(1910-19450被降格爲昌慶苑,成爲一處游樂園,內有動物園和植物園。此後動物園被移至果川,又經修復工作後,1983年重新使用原來的昌慶宮之名。
Depends on the day you go there, you may participate in the Tea Ceremony (Saturday), Marriage in Palace (2007. 6. 2), and Royal Feast (Sunday) activities.
For the TEa Ceremony, you have to apply by email beforehand.
期間 : 2007.4.7~10.20 (每個月第一個和第三個週六14:00~16:30)
地點 : 昌慶宮內迎春軒、集福軒(正祖故居)
活動內容 : 認識孝道和茶文化,並體驗生活禮節、茶禮節、製作茶點
參加辦法 : 以電子郵件(
[email protected]:姓名, 聯絡方式, 訪問日期及時間等)申請,或打旅遊諮詢熱線(+82-2-1330:韓英日中)
期間 : 2007. 6. 2 14:00(預定)
地點 : 昌慶宮通明殿
活動內容 : 迎親車隊, 大鼓演出, 宮中婚禮等
* 宮中筵席再現活動
期間 : 2007. 5. 13~ 9. 30 每週日14:00
地點 : 昌慶宮明政殿
活動內容 : 國王的生日筵席(宮中筵席再現, 皇世子奉酒儀式等)
JongNo 鐘路(流行街道)
從鍾路 3街到鍾閣之間有很多外文補習班、購物中心、珠寶店、咖啡廳、餐廳等,眾多吸引年輕人流連的商家。從仁寺洞經過鍾路步行到清溪川,大概花10分鐘左右就夠了。
You may also consider this route suggested by tour2korea but l think there is no need for you to walk to 清溪川 or 明洞: